Monday, November 28, 2011

quotes about life and love

quotes about life and love - qoutes about love - short message quotes and poems
quotes about life and love
quotes about life and love pictures
one in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life,
love gives us a fairytale

love poems to him

quotes about life and love
quotes about life and love
quotes about life and love image

laugh when you can, 
appologise when you should
and let go of what you cant change
kiss slowly, play hard, forgive quickly,
take chances, give everything, and have no regret.
life is yo short to be anything but

quotes about life and love
quotes about life and love
quotes about life and love image

to love is to risk
not being loved in return.
to hope is to risk pain
to try is to risk failure,
but risk must be taken
because the greatst hazard
in life to risk nothing

quotes about life and love
quotes about life and love
quotes about love and image

"life is to short to wake up with regrets.
love the people who treat you right & forget the ones who don't
believe that everything happens for a reason.
if you get a chance - take it
if it changes your life - let it
nobody said life would be easy
they just promised
it would be worth it"